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Weight Loss

How Hormone Balance Can Reduce Stress Over the Holidays

How Hormone Balance Can Reduce Stress Over the Holidays

The holiday season is a wonderful time of year, getting together with family and friends, enjoying traditions, creating new memories, and making the most of our time together.  Unfortunately, it can bring imbalance to hormones...

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9 Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System

9 Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System

9 Natural ways to boost your immune system, stay healthy and protect your body from illness.

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Long Term Health Benefits of Exercising

Long Term Health Benefits of Exercising

Exercise is good for us; we feel good and look better with physical activity. If you incorporate regular exercise as part of your daily routine, you could be dramatically improving your current and later life. Increase your chances of living longer, stronger, healthier, and ultimately improve your ability to better perform daily activities later in life with long-term exercise. 

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It's general knowledge that drinking water is vital for good health. Yet why? You might be shocked to find that water makes up 60-70 percent of your body weight. Your body requires water in its cells, organs, and tissues, as well as for maintaining body temperature and other physiological processes. It's important to stay hydrated since your body loses water through breathing, perspiration, and digesting. For a variety of reasons, including regulating body temperature, keeping joints lubricated, preventing infections, transporting nutrients, and maintaining healthy organ function, it is imperative to consume adequate water each day.

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Weight Gain During Quarantine? Here are 5 Tips to Shed Extra Pounds

If you found yourself gaining the "COVID 19" during the quarantine, or just feel like you put on a few extra pounds while stuck at home, these tips can help you shed those extra pounds.

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Testosterone: A Key to Optimal Health for Both Men & Women

When you think of testosterone, what do you picture? Is it a man lifting weights at a gym, or a young football player knocking through six men to make a key play? Most people think of testosterone as a male hormone—something that men need to feel their best or perform athletically. But the truth is, testosterone is so much more than that. In fact, testosterone is a key to optimal health for both men and women.

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Boost Thyroid, Lose Weight? How Thyroid Health Affects Weight Loss

Summer’s here and the weight loss frenzy permeates the media. Ads encouraging usto, “Try this pill,” or “Use this exercise gizmo,” offer hope that weight loss is only anew diet or workout away.

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Weight Loss and Rhodiola Root

At ProBLEN we chose Rhodiola root for its ability to help reduce weight, enhance energy, and elevate the capacity for exercise. But the other benefits are a bonus! “Rhodiola actually activates the lipolytic processes (fat breakdown) and mobilize lipids from a dispose tissue to the natural fat burning system of your body for weight reduction.”

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The ABC's of ProBLEN: R is for Rhodiola

At ProBLEN we chose Rhodiola root for its ability to help reduce weight, enhance energy, and elevate the capacity for exercise. But the other benefits are a bonus! “Rhodiola actually activates the lipolytic processes (fat breakdown) and mobilize lipids from a dispose tissue to the natural fat burning system of your body for weight reduction.

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