Military Police Firefighter Appreciation Pricing

ProBLEN appreciates your service
As a “Thank You” for your service we would like to extend to you our Special Military, Police and Firefighters Discount created with YOU in mind. This offer guarantee that members of the military force, police and firefighters obtain ProBLEN products at wholesale price given only to retail stores and medical professionals around the world. This is our way to say Thank you for your selfless service and dedication. Our goal is to provide you with the supplements that your body needs to maintain your health at its full potential so you can be ready for duty at any time. Together we will continue to make a difference in people’s lives and continue to Live Young and Age Well!
>> Follow the instructions below to set up your M.P.F.D account today!

For New Customers
- In the Login section, click on “New Customer”
- Fill out the requested information and click continue
- Continue the process for existing customers below

For Existing Customers
- Log in to your account
- Contact us with a Request Form Type “Wholesale Inquiry"
- Once we receive you request, we will contact you back to finalize your M.P.F.D. Account